《Back 4 Blood》作為歷久不衰神作《Left 4 Dead》的精神續作,近日開始了BETA測試後無數玩家便沉醉其中。但人紅總是是非多,小小的出錯可能做成出師未捷身先死,近日海外有玩家回報,在遊戲中遇上一隻特殊的感染者喪屍,在奔向玩家的同時會發出尖叫,並疑似發出含種族歧視的「NIGGER(黑鬼)」發音。
雖然一般這類的尖叫聲,很多開發組的處理都是從一堆音檔中隨機混合生成,但無獨有偶卻有很多玩家回報聽到疑似「Nigger」發音的叫聲。為此,外媒Kotaku去信開發商Turtle Rock Studios以及代理商WB Games(華納兄弟Games) 求問真相。截止今日,WB Games回復了是次疑似種族歧視發音的事件如下:
引用Our team has been made aware of offensive language that can be heard when playing the game. This was not recorded or ever intended to be part of our gameplay. The audio is a result of two different Ridden growls that are playing simultaneously and when heard together sound like that word. We are working diligently to fix this issue, which should be completed either in time for the Beta, or when the game launches.
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